加拿大的冬天,与亚洲的确实很大不同。很常下雪的天气, 对于长年住在没有下雪的香港, 南中国的朋友, 初到加拿大就会很不习惯了。特别是驾车人士就必需额外留神。
Canada’s winter is indeed different from Asia. People from Hong Kong and southern China cannot adapt to this snowy weather, especially for those drivers.

棉棉的雪很美很晶莹,一晚就可以把大地铺上雪白一遍, 这个雪在驾车上是没有问题, 车轮在厚厚的雪上画上深深的痕迹。
After the snowy night, and all the ground is covered in white. Wheel shown many traces in the snow. It was a beautiful scene.

但如果下雪后,出太阳, 把雪溶了一点, 却突然的气温骤降, 把溶了一半的雪即时凝结, 地就会马上结成冰, 当车使过时就会变得很滑, 很容易滑轮胎, 这个情况根本就不是技术的问题了。
However, if the snow in the sun, melting snow will condense half immediately, the ground will be frozen immediately, we call it black ice. The vehicle can easily slip. This is not because your technical driving skills.

不过, 在这下雪的天气, 加拿大政府都会每天很早就会在各街道上出动铲雪车, 的路面的厚雪清走, 及撒上沙粒, 以防车辆滑轮胎, 减低交通意外。
When it snows, the Canadian government sent a vehicle to clean the snow-covered roads and highways to public transport, in order to avoid accidents.

政府为市民负责,相对市民需要为他们的社区负责, 加拿大的公民意识很强, 每当下雪后, 各家各户都会把自己屋外的公共人行道清理积雪, 撒上沙粒或盐以用来防滑和溶掉地上的冰。因为如果有别人走你的门前因为地上的雪或冰滑倒的话, 他是有权向你追讨受伤费用。
The same is true for citizens, they have a responsibility to clear snow and ice near the house. If someone slips in your area, you must pay for his injury.

In order to adapt to life in Canada, friends with driving experience should be required to learn to drive on snowy days.
Article by ilinkcanada
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